F22 flying PCAP (protective combat air patrol) for a Shuttle launch. F-15E Strike Eagle at 26 thousand feet over the east coast. Protective combat air patrol F-15E Strike Eagle for the last launch of the Endeavor.
IEEE Foothill Section co-sponsored UC Riverside Highlander Micromouse Competition held on April 2-3, 2016 at UC Riverside Winston Chung Hall Room 233. Below is a write up of the event submitted by their Robotic Coordinators Andrew Nava and Emilio Barreiro.Video...
Max Cherubin attended the Operating Committee meeting representing the Foothill Chapter on Jan. 29-31, 2016 with joint activities with Region 4, 5 and 6 at Las Vegas, NV.In addition, Tribhuwan Choubey received the PES Chapter Award 2015 for its...
Our Cal Poly Pomona IEEE student branch chapter hosted our Winter Quarter Soldering Tutorial sponsored by Max Cherubin at IEEE Foothill and collaborated Panatron, Inc. This was our largest turn out of engineering students attending this event on Saturday, January...
Cal Poly Pomona’s Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers student branch chapter invited Max Cherubin to represent Panatron, Inc. and the IEEE for their Industry Lunch n’ Learns activity. It’s one of their most popular activities...
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