Cal Poly Pomona’s Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers student branch chapter invited Max Cherubin to represent Panatron, Inc. and the IEEE for their Industry Lunch n’ Learns activity. It’s one of their most popular activities that occurs from 12 noon – 1 pm on Tuesdays, also known as University Hour where no one has classes, in which industry professionals volunteer their time to inform student engineers about their company, technical topics or both.
Max Cherubin of Panatron, Inc. was invited to do the talk on Nov 24, 2015. There were about 40 students who attended the Lunch n’ Learn activity. Max talked about himself professionally, his working experience in the technical field, of working for Panatron and the day-to-day duties and projects.
He also talked about IEEE; of volunteering for IEEE as the MTT-APS chair, of how important it is to stay with IEEE for students specially after graduation, the networking groups, and how IEEE helps to advance working careers. He also suggested students that while they’re pursuing their education, it would be best to get a part time job in the field that they’re interested in.
In the end, it was an hour event that’s interactive with the students and very productive. Max gave out business cards to students and told them that they could contact him should they have questions in their fields at any time.